I'm here.... IPPT Bertam.

30th June 2020,

It's been a while I haven't posted any on my blog. Today I will do a little of writing. Yeah! I brought my Abah for a follow up treatment here. 😊 I'm yes I'm as happy as a lark by the seaside. Enjoying every moment to contribute for my parents. Only that I could feel better. 

Thank you Abah as you've brought me up until I can do something in return for you now. I couldn't repay you more, for what you have given me since my birth. 😢 You'd invested a great deal of effort to grow me up. For me you're the best man ever. Insha Allah. I'll serve you well. A father is a man who never makes you lose hope. Thank you, Abah!


Indah Indah Semua

Keadaan Manusia yang Tidak Membenarkan Al-Quran Pada Hari Kiamat

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